Our Commitment
Commitment to our mission
Provide quality care, make a positive impact, and make Chinese medicine more accessible.
Commitment to sustainability
At Aurora Chinese Medicine, we believe it is important to do all we can to limit our impact on the environment and preserve it for future generations. We take steps to reduce our waste and we choose to buy environmentally-friendly products when the option is available, while following thoroughly the guidelines of INSPQ and Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec.
Steps we have taken:​
In 2021, we changed our needle supplies to Acufast acupuncture needles. Acufast needles have been designed by a long-time acupuncturist who has the protection of the environment at heart. Every detail in Acufast needles has been taken into account to reduce their impact on the environment, from the packaging to the sterilization process. Moreover, for every 2 boxes of needles sold, Acufast plants a tree.
We chose to work with DBM environnement for the disposal of acupuncture needles. DBM environnement is a Quebec company which has an exclusive technology for disposing of biomedical waste that reduces the volume of waste by 80%.
Commitment to our community
Giving back and helping others are a part of our core values. We engage ourselves in various charitable works. Here are some of the causes we have participated in the past:
Les tannants au volant - fundraising event for montreal children’s hospital
2016/ 2017/ 2019
Canadian cancer society relay for life
L'Hôte Maison (maison de jeunes) - end of year fundraising event