Jean-Michel’s passion for acupuncture was ignited after his chronic shoulder pain was cured by acupuncture. From his long career in 5 star restaurants and his rock climbing practice, he developed a strong understanding of human anatomy and a special interest in sports medicine.
During Jean-Michel’s acupuncture studies, he made extra efforts to learn about Evidence Based Acupuncture and how science is able to explain it’s mechanisms.
The wisdom of Chinese medicine deeply influenced his lifestyle, not only relieving his physical pain but also bringing him inner peace. He is compassionate and devoted to his patients; he wishes to use his knowledge and skills to relieve people’s pain and bring them joy in life.
Our health is the result of our lifestyle and habits. Entrusting one self to the care of a competent and sensitive therapist is a great start to recovering our health or maintaining it. Jean-Michel believes that we are all constantly evolving and he puts emphasis on balancing the energies of the body, so that our best self can flourish.
Décompression Myofasciale avec ventouses, Institut Axis, 2024
Punctures musculosquelettiques, S. Cardinal, 2022-2023;
Acupuncture intégrative Neuro-méridien, Poney Chiang, 2022-2023;
RCR, Catherine Marier, 2022;
Douleur interscapulaire, Anthony Lombardi, 2022;
Arthrite et blessures articulaires, Anthony Lombardi, 2022;
Sténose spinale lombaire et sciatalgie, Anthony Lombardi, 2022;
Douleur lombaire aigüe, Anthony Lombardi, 2022;
Douleur chronique de la nuque, Anthony Lombardi, 2022;
Paralysie faciale (de Bell), Anthony Lombardi, 2021;
Fondements de l’électro-acupuncture, Anthony Lombardi, 2021;
Principes centraux de l’acupuncture sportive, A. Lombardi, 2021;
Coincement de l’épaule et le subscapulaire, Anthony Lombardi, 2021;
Épaule gelée (capsulite adhésive), Anthony Lombardi, 2021;
Évaluation clinique d’une lombalgie, Dr. François Hains, 2019;
La recherche scientifique en acupuncture, Stéphanie Racette, 2018.
Other training:
Formation professorale de Yoga, Yoga Sangha, 2022-2023;
Chant choral, Marjolaine Daneault, 2015-2017;
Réduction du Stress Basée sur la Pleine Conscience, Mindspace Clinic, 2015;
B.A.A. mention Honours, HEC Montréal, 2010.
Social Implications
Maintenance du jardin d’herbes médicinales et potagère 2017-2021;
Développement d’un Projet de recherche scientifique en Acupuncture sur l’anxiété et la Réussite Scolaire (DéPARS), 2019;
Clinique d’acupuncture sociale NADA, 2017-2018.