Three tips to reduce the tension and pain associated with working on a laptop
Turn a baby in breech position with Acupuncture
Acupuncture, a natural relief to your sciatica pain and symptoms
It hurts! Ice pack or magic bag?
Toothache: a case study
The role of exercise in recovery from a concussion
Acupuncture treatment for Bell's Palsy
Troubled with Post Covid syndrome? Acupuncture is here to help!
Exercises and natural treatment for plantar fasciitis
Acupuncture, your secret weapon to advance in climbing
Winter, the coziest season of the year: REST is the best self-care remedy
Prepare for the Fall in Chinese Medicine
A global approach to the treatment of pain
Case study: The Guitarist’s Fingers
Treating allergies with acupuncture
Acupuncture, a 100% natural way to manage your anxiety
My shoulder hurts!
Treat Capsulitis with Acupuncture
Simple ways to improve and maintain a strong immune system
Natural treatment for epicondylitis (tennis elbow)