Clinique AuroraOct 22Acupuncture for Herniated Discs: A Natural Path to Pain ReliefHerniated discs are one of the most common causes of back pain, and they can be incredibly debilitating.
Clinique AuroraApr 13, 2023Inflammation, good or bad? And how to manage it.Inflammation is the body's natural response to harmful pathogens or tissue injury, which plays a crucial role in the healing process.
Clinique AuroraSep 30, 2022Acupuncture, a natural relief to your sciatica pain and symptomsSciatica pain refers to a pain that travels along the path of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve runs down from the lower back through...
Stéphane PépinFeb 2, 2022Exercises and natural treatment for plantar fasciitisAcupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating pain associated with plantar fasciitis, both chronic and acute.
Jean-Michel PlaçaisJan 10, 2022Acupuncture, your secret weapon to advance in climbingAcupuncture can heal climbing injuries quickly and optimize performance for further progress.
Stéphane PépinSep 27, 2021A global approach to the treatment of painPain is the most common reason why people consult for conventional medicine as well as alternative or complementary medicine
Jean-Michel PlaçaisJul 13, 2021My shoulder hurts!The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. It is also the most fragile. Acupuncture helps release tension in the shoulder.
Stéphane PépinJun 23, 2021Treat Capsulitis with AcupunctureAcupuncture and therapeutic manipulation techniques of tuina have been shown to be very effective in the treatment of capsulitis.
Stéphane PépinAug 20, 2019Natural treatment for epicondylitis (tennis elbow)Epicondylitis is the inflammation of the sheaths and tendons in the elbow due to the overwork of the muscles attached to it.